Become A Member Today

Help your child find their path to a great future by enrolling them in daily programming at one of our five Corridor Clubs!

Engage. Inspire. Empower.

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Corridor is the premier youth development organization in the Corridor. We are the number one advocate for young people; it is our belief that every child deserves the chance to have a great future.

Club programs help kids and teens achieve academic success, model good character & citizenship, and live healthy lifestyles.

The Club provides a safe haven for over 300 children across the Corridor daily. We provide basic needs like food and clothing, but most importantly we provide full-time staff who deeply care about our kids.

Steps To Enroll:

1. Click here to download our membership registration form

2. Complete Registration form and mail or deliver to our Administrative Office (420 6th St SE, Suite 240, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401)

3. If space is available, the Unit Director from the site you selected will contact you

4. If membership is full you will be added to our waiting list

5. The Unit Director will notify you if space becomes available

Become A Member

Our Impact


BGCC youth expect to graduate from high school


Club kids moved from reading below grade level to at or above grade level during the 2021/2022 school year


Free hot meals served to
Club kids and other community youth during FY 2022

Membership Questions?

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